I Want to Lose Weight! How Can KnX Journey to Oneness Help Me?

KnX creates a positive, holistic alignment within oneself by connecting the mind, body, and soul through Spirit-Led Coaching, Physical Fitness, Nutrition, and Spiritual and Emotional Healing. As a result, people are feeding their bodies for food rather than comfort, getting physically active and spiritually sound.

How Can I Really Commit To Getting Healthy Mind, Body and Spirit?

The Biggest Fear Is NOT Getting Started…. The Biggest Fear is Failing…again!

KnX uses methods like deep breathing, meditation visualization, the leading of the Spirit within you, along with powerful truth to help you break free from emotional bondage and negative self-talk. As you come to know your true identity and purpose; and believe in yourself again, you will be released from the places you feel stuck, yo-yo dieting and emotional eating and live in oneness; mind, body, and spirit.

I Still Can’t See How This Program Will Help Me To Lose Weight?

As you find the Joy in discovering who you are, you will apply self-care in the process, and begin to love God’s creation that is you! You Will No Longer Battle Self Blame and Negative Body Image. Karen will introduce ways to feed your temple healthy nutritious foods that are conducive to your taste as well as an exercise regime that will keep you excited, motivated and committed! Accountability, weekly homework assignments, journaling, and affirmations will also be used to transform you in your journey. You will be compelled to take care of your temple from the inside out!